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Minyan Replay with Rabbi Lizzi — A Loopy Morning

Mishkan Chicago

July is Builder Renewal season! Buildership powers this community and makes it possible for us to bring you services, education, podcasts, and so much more. If you are a Builder at Mishkan, we can’t wait for you to renew your commitment. Not a Builder yet? We invite you to join the community as a Builder. Not in Chicagoland? Join the 10% of our Builder community who live outside of Illinois. It would be an honor to take the next step on your Jewish journey with you.


For upcoming Shabbat services and programs, check our event calendar, and see our Accessibility & Inclusion page for information about our venues. Follow us on Instagram and like us on Facebook for more updates.

Produced by Mishkan Chicago. Music composed, produced, and performed by Kalman Strauss.


It's finally here, builder renewal season builder ship powers this community and makes it possible for us to bring you services, education, podcasts, and so much more. If you're a builder at Mishcon great, we can't wait for you to renew your commitment. And if you're not already a builder, we invite you to join the community. Not in Chicago land, join the 10% of our builder community who live outside of Illinois. It would be an honor to take the next step on your Jewish journey with you.

Good morning everyone. It's so nice to see all of you today. And begin by centering ourselves in our breath. If you haven't yet today. Take a deep breath. I always like to take it in through the nose. Slowly out through the mouth.

Again in

the nose

slowly out through the mouth.

Breath is a reminder that we are here in this moment. Your present bringing our attention to our bodies to the space we're in.

We begin by giving thanks for the fact of our existence here and now.


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Chevy at LAN naghdi. Me, Chevy at Learn egg D. Me.

Welcome again, those who just joined us so nice to have you all here. Continuing our theme of gratitude I want us to take a moment and is a practice that often begin minion with is to focus in on something that you're feeling grateful for today can be something big, something small. Something that's bringing you joy, or comfort or contentment or even just a sense of stability and grounding this morning. It's not to deny all of the difficulties or obstacles that we might face the pain we might be holding, but to create space alongside all of that. A little room for gratitude. to reorient us remind us why we're working so hard in the first place and if you feel inspired and you want to put in the chat. What you're feeling grateful for this morning we can create gratitude lists to help lift up inspire each other

all day on the left fun, Rue that guy mo de needless fun. Rua Hi that guy. Mod money love fun mod money less fun both on the left fine NASA ru archive EQ guy more day on the left fine NASA row

Hi vac guy more money

fun more money fun Aye. Aye

Aye. Aye aye aye

I had a I had I rolled a knee left fun NASA rule.

Guy. Mole day on the left fun

rule Hi vac, mods. Any fun mods.

Journey fun.

Continue through your quest shakaar The blessings of the morning. I see some folks have added things to our gratitude list the chat if you want to keep adding we'll visit that list after these blessings that the rabbi's gave us to bring attention to the different parts of our being that have allowed us to arrive at this moment.

By Roketsan oni Allah He knew Melaka lamb as sharing a timeless Avena that keen Binyomin light law for the ability to make the distinction between day and night. By Roketsan I law he knew Melaka lamb, Shia Sunni, but samo that I was created in your image by roe Hurtado Nihilo he knew Melech Ha Olam, Shia Sunni Ben Corrine, that you created me to be free. Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha.

Shia Sunni? Yes.

I'm a Jew, God wrestler by Ruth atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha olam podcast aeverine That my eyes opening shift new vision by rook atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha Olam, ma Bish a romaine for the gift of clothes over my naked body by rock atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha olam material are supreme. For my ability to release was all tied up by roja tied or Nihilo hanging Melaka zatkoff Careful theme for my ability to straighten what is bends? By real cuts. I don't I look at McCallum or carrots or humaine for the stability of the earth over the water. By arrowheads, Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha Olam, Amethi myths I gather that you prepare my steps by roja Tarot Nihilo he knew McCallum she had Sally cold sore key that you provide for all my needs by raw tired or die or Hindi Melaka lamb was there's people that you give strength to me and my people. By raw utter I don't I have a Hindi Melaka lamb. Or tell us Roberti Farah that you gravitated in beauty. Baraka Tirana, Isla Hainan mela Hallam, I don't deny Of course you give me strength when I am tired.

My coffee was so few people sipping their coffee. I love that. Obviously this is the coffee blessing. For tea wherever your caffeine of choice in the morning is. Specifically list our gratitude list here in the chat. Watching the end of hurricane bear over Lake Michigan, seeing some of the storms now as well. Grateful being able to practice yoga with friends enjoy quality time together after grateful for multiple choices and chances in this life grateful for friendships grateful for your therapists and therapists in general and a Deaf cosine and that gratitude grateful for the magic of remote work lined up in two places at once. Grateful for friendships including cheeky cats and my cat was visiting us this morning grateful for meeting new people who are kind of interesting grateful for old friends reaching out for living to reach a new age grateful for enduring friendships 50 years of them and also if you haven't expressed gratitude your therapist directly do that it's always good to get some positive feedback all good things to be grateful for Thank you everyone. I'm grateful to be here with all of you this morning and continue fostering


you're shaking their head

or the high level

or the Hello

Srei your shoe

or the hello or the high level

Srei your son

or your high level oh yeah hello

stray your shman their heads

off do you have or do you have a low

astraeus favorite taka or jello has Salah ash in Chicago last night no happier those who come together create space for gratitude connection with

one another and reconnection with ourselves

Tehila don't yet be Viva Kobus shame code show enact new never Rasca May I have a dog Lilu

Hello Yeah.

We gathered together to sing your

praises. Hallelujah.

Continuous someone 50

lujah lujah Hallelujah Hallelujah. Hallelujah Hallelu Hallelu Arabic culture Hallelu The key was Hello. Big time. Hello, Carol. Good low. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah. Yeah Hallelu Hello, that take care shofar, Heartland Lu, the NAV of se nor the low bid TOEFL Michael Liu been meaning to God? I lay Lou. Lou Hallelujah Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah Hallelu Hallelu Shama Hello, but still like to call her Neshama to holla Yeah. Kohana Shama to Hello, yeah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah. Hallelujah Lello

ready to rise you're able to face east. The call to prayer. If you want to unmute yourself for the column response as well.

Barbara who don't I Mevo Rohan.

I am Bharara?

By row kind of era low. Bar row in the middle column, your SIR overhaul chef or say Shalom over at hot coal. We bless you creator and sustainer of university form light great darkness, make peace and create everything. How many era arts fluttery Mala hubba raka me move to Maha Dasha perform tambien massive Rishi you light up the world in the hands of kindness every day you renew them make them good these works of creation or Hadash outs yawn Tai Chi Venice K hula Mahela or row by row heitaro Nine your Sarah male roles blessing Are you Creator of Life

throwing a telly I invite you to invite you to gather the four corners the fourth seat seat around you need if you're not wearing a telly It's an invitation to bring together all the parts of our lives all the parts of ourselves and hold them as one to recognize the Unity the wholeness in ourselves both those parts that feel broken those parts that feel strong parts that are in pain the parts that are hopeful the parts that we're proud of the parts that are still growing edges to hold them together to recognize that they're all part of us they're all deserving of floods

I have Rob I have


I have

new have fun

I have Rob I have new have two





have to I have upside note and neither Hey new teach us to love within an ending love enlighten our eyes. jaw hurts close to you. Unify Spiro

duo on both eBay amo Yes. They have. Blessed are you who chooses your people Israel in

the cover is take one deep breath, one intentional breath for each word of the Shema.

Shem Allah is


law Hey new do

they are halftime I don't know the whole of Africa overhaul in Africa overhaul male DACA there hi you had a very show no fee mitzvah yum Alibaba versioner Tamela NACA with the boat bomb best shift to have a tefa of less to have a Derrick was shocked by her of comesa OSHA turnout I adakah for you to vote been enough oak that Tom is a beta movie show Rebecca Michelle lovely heart with your soul with all your My continued mica Maca

is prayer for freedom we think of all the places in the world where people are not free and pray that they might be free soon from harm from oppression from hardship from strife from war they might also sing the song with us soon in our time.

Me have by the mods on me come back or damage? No Tige low or say Won't you help me sing the songs of freedom? They're all live ever had redemptions? She ratha the Shah Sheba who gave you the lashing? I'll suffer Taya. Yeah, had coulomb hole do their him likho they're metal don't die you layer them by don't know him No. later than that. So Yisrael Komaba as right yes. Of Theano. Maca. Yeah, who the rays. Go and they knew. I don't know. It's about old shimbo K Dosch. Yes. Baja ro katha. Dawn. Gah. Yes. Blessed are you the one who redeems.

I'm going to take a moment for prayers for healing. If you're thinking of somebody in need of healing, whether it's a mind of body or spirit, when hold their name in your heart, or share their name in the chat. Send this blessing to each and every one of them that they might experience a refresh they might complete recovery. They're not meant to be recovered in this lifetime. We pray for days of comfort, nights of peace surrounded by loved ones.

Misha Bay Hara

forte, New Mexico have braca the Mortain who may the source of strength who blessed the ones before us. Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing. And let us say me share obey Rafi mo de New Mexico hombre ha 14 who bless those in need of healing with reform wash lay man, the renewal of body the renewal of spirit and let us say

pray for all those refurbished sight MA or no a body of no of spirit that we can say I mean I'm gonna take just a moment here for personal silent prayer you can use the words of the see door which I'll copy into the chat here. You can use whatever words come to your heart or mind or take just a moment for breathing. We'll come back to there in about a minute in about a minute

Oh say Shalom beam Rome Oh yeah. I say Shalom Moline new. They call Israel they call yesterday Teva vai heme ro Hebrew man. All say Shalom Diem ro Ma. Oh yeah, I say Shalom. My Lane new. They call us they call yesterday Ted. Vai him row hero.

Man, I get it I

get it I get it I get it. I also say Shalom Nimra Oh my Oh yeah. I say Shalom Mulaney new. They call Yes. They call your spade Teva. Very heme ro heme ro


Mei the one who makes peace on high make peace through us. Here and Now in that we can say Amen. We're going to turn to the mourners Kaddish. temporarily stop sharing my screen to see is there anybody remembering somebody today? Who would like to share their name aloud or in the chat Nathan pollack. He's never before blessings intra and Lawrence Wade lane. The memory be for blessing. Leisha. Any others

if folks want to unmute themselves s'mores kinda shy that for reciting or for the response be a little bit of a cacophony but okay cacophony of comfort and community.

Youth cuddle Vida Dasha may Rubba frother a Tavia family my cote the higher cone of your Maccon Hades a whole base. I could lie with his mind and carry V Maru.

Eats Barak fish to back up our VT from Superman Vina say the eater diabete la vita launcher main liquidation chambray airline may call bear Heartsaver Shirota to spur Khattab anathema to me, Ron Belmar Veeam ro. Salam Arabba means Shemaiah Bentheim Elena Val coisa out the

stage longer Mumbai,

who yes say Shalom. Elena Val coisa l koi Shweta. Hey, Val.

V Maru. Easy Kalam, libera clammy all of their memories be for a blessing.

You've been listening to contact high a production of Michigan Chicago. If you are inspired or informed by this episode. Please leave us a five star rating on Apple podcasts so that others can encounter our work. And if you appreciate what Mishkan is doing, I invite you to join as a builder or make a donation on our website at Mishkan Shabbat Shalom