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Minyan Replay with Rabbi Lizzi — Shavuot!

Mishkan Chicago

Every weekday at 8:00 am, Mishkan Chicago holds a virtual Morning Minyan.  You can join in yourself, or listen to all the prayer, music, and inspiration right here on Contact Chai.


For upcoming Shabbat services and programs, check our event calendar, and see our Accessibility & Inclusion page for information about our venues. Follow us on Instagram and like us on Facebook for more updates.

Produced by Mishkan Chicago. Music composed, produced, and performed by Kalman Strauss.


Hello, and welcome to this half hour dose of weekly Jewish spirituality. Jews have a tradition of praying three times a day and at Mishkan we have a daily virtual minion at 8am Central to get your day started. folks join us from across the country and across the world as we begin each day with words and songs of gratitude, inspiration, healing and Torah. Without further ado, I invite you to breathe a little deeper connects a little more with yourself with God with Torah with this community and with the world around you wherever you are whatever your timezone several loads of math people are showing up here oh that's so funny Alan's writing in the chat. I can't believe Rabbi Lizzi is here up all night. No, not up all night. I think I have a decade right now. When I with with children where it's like now I'm not going to I'm not going to stay up all night. I'm going to stay up until about one in the morning, go to bed, get six hours of sleep, and then wake up for minion and you know that'll be my life right now. And then maybe when they're when they don't need me in the morning, when I can sleep in until 10am Then Then I'll go back to it. I was sad to leave. Last night I for those who don't know the Lakeview has a Chevrolet out Tikun and it Tikun is just a fancy word for like all night Learning Session. And, and it you know went from it started at 10pm and went till four or five in the morning, your now davening started at four in the morning, like finish it by 530. And people went home as the sun was rising. You know and, and all of this is a beautiful way to honor the holiday of Revelation. Shiva was you know, like, get that divine download as the sun is rising. Last week we gathered here and talked about the importance of finding revelation inside of the spaciousness. One finds when one creates space inside of oneself. And so the article we read by Rabbi Yoel Glick said Go Go to your Tikun study all night pray sing hang out with your people have fun and also and also make space inside of yourself. You know for the openness the heathcare newness, the unknown unclaimed place where you can hear the voice of God and so that that is for me my intention today even beginning with you beginning with words and songs and sounds and you know traditions and we're going to read this section from the Bible that describes revelation that's the that's the Torah reading today and and my intention for me and you if you want to is that at some point today and also tomorrow because in diaspora Shabbos is a two day holiday you find real space not like a second or 10 seconds but like oh my gosh, the gift of half an hour an hour, two hours I mean like let's not let's not let's not be unrealistic. Let's not be crazy but like, like a good amount of time where you're not looking at your phone you're not like being claimed by stimuli outside of yourself but actually opening up space to see what emerges from within yourself. To see what XMind Matan Torah to the giving of Torah this year, means in your life and with that

take a few deep breaths in whatever position you are in sitting, standing, laying deep breaths that

bring oxygen and air to your belly and then exhale.

Do it again a few times and just feel yourself being breathed by the same power that breathes our waste products into the trees to help them photosynthesize the sun and same air that the squirrels are breathing and the cicadas and the dirt and the plants and all life together connected through the same life force that breeds us. We say it is good

Hello Hi. Hello Hi Shama Nish? Shana Bobby Shanna tabby.

Hello Hi. Hello Hi I'm

Shana tag Shan Tabby

hello hi Shan

Shan Shan Toby to

take a moment now I know for many people like this is the first five minutes of minions so maybe you're not like fully awake and ready to set high and lofty intentions for, for what your day is going to be especially not you know a Day whose theme is revelation, but start, start not too ambitious. And actually, I'm curious feel free to put in the chat. Like what is something you intend to do today to bring a little bit of that revelation energy revelation possibility into your day read walk, swim, pray, study, talk to somebody who for you is like a real teacher. I want to know

Susanna, be patient and open say yes, meditate. Yes. All right, so you keep doing that last night at the Mishcon the Mishkan story slam. We heard from six people, each of whom spoke on what is bringing them Jewish Joy right now. And against the backdrop of a world that right now it would be very justified in saying there's no reason to feel joy except the problem is joy just creeps into life. And so we wanted to just invite into the room the possibility that we could live with joy even in the midst of a world that is so painfully broken not to ignore it, but to give ourselves a reason and motivation to continue to fight for the way that it should be. And so I love that Psalm 100 here says exactly the same thing

he do deny this seem II do that and neither seems bona fide now beer Nana the fun of beer 990 Let's do a session the same II do a session the Super Bowl the fun beer Nana Nana yellow line yellow

a yellow line

do do a session with their Nana. Nana do Darshan Missy Mumbai the phenomenon

and I and I yeah, I had a lie. Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Al. Hey, yeah and Eliana Nyan and

Sarah, if you have you have your copy of In these times are is times such as these nearby, and there's a particular section of the cheveux and reading that you think is really good. Think about like if if maybe you want to share a little bit of it here this morning. I haven't I haven't read it this year. I haven't made it to that particular book yet. But I wouldn't mind hearing what they have to say about it. Sarah, is that a possibility?

I mean, I have it on my phone Kindle can look their best bet on See? See

if there's like a couple paragraphs you know, that's just like yes, this feels you know, like, like, I want to share this this is great Torah, you know okay. All right, look at me I went way too far. I want to I do want to like do a little bit of stretching minions a little bit longer this morning because of both Halliwell and tarot reading, and we're not going to like do a traditional Tarot reading, we're just going to read the section that has all the load from Revelation, so that we, you know, just like get the feeling of it, get the picture of what happened and what we're supposed to read this morning. And I'm just not going to be totally traditional. And let's just do one more sort of preparatory thing before we go into Bartow. If you're able to stand I invite you to stand just because some of this will involve stretching otherwise feel free to you know stretch in your seat.

By rule ha i don't i Hello, hey, no matter how hola I'm gonna share an autonomous SVD na that have seen Vainio moving Lai LA. You could say I mean, if you want feel free to unmute.

I am grateful to use it

to make distinctions between day and night. By regatta I don't know no matter how old I am Chessani but sell more. I mean, I am grateful that you made me in your image marathon and Isla and I'm gonna call them Chessani but Florian I mean, I am grateful that You created me to be a free person. Barrel cutter. I don't know man a couple that home shots on Easter ale. I am grateful that I am a Jew, a god wrestler. I am grateful that I am an inheritor of Torah. By Rohita I don't I am no matter how old I am podcast aeverine I am grateful that my eyes open each day with new vision by Raha I don't I don't no matter how old I am, my wish I remain. Blessed is the one who clothe the naked blessing is the one who helps us follow in her footsteps by helping vulnerable people also find shelter and boundaries. Barrel habitat are neither material supreme blessing is free is captives and main a main lesson as the one who helps us do all that we can to free captives and who helps us do all that we can to free any oppressed people. Main a main and let's see materia scream Oh, and then specifically in your body who releases what is bound. So feel free to like take a stretch into the tight places. Breathe into them and release.

How Felicia says she's going to read several poems by writers such as Khalil Gibran and Nikki Giovanni and write, rewrite a couple of your own poems. I would love to read those poems Felicia. BIRAL Hurtado Hina medica Alonso Kefka for theme, I am grateful for my ability to straighten what is bent. So feel free to take a little forward fold even if it's just bending your neck forward. So that then you can consciously bring it back, feeling all the subtle little movements of bones and ligaments and muscles that are required even just to tilt your head and straighten that up again.

place our feet flat on the floor if you are able, in the position you're in, feel grounded on the earth. By Roja. I

don't know I love hanging out with them. Rocha tell him I am blessed it is the one who creates stability of the earth over the water bottle habitat on island. I mean if he admits that they got their blessing as the one who prepares my steps by Ruha Todd and I know him in Minnesota I'm sure Sally cold sore ki bless it is the one who provides for all my needs by rotana and I know he no matter how well that was very surreal big Laura bless it is the one who gives strength to me and my


All my people, whoever they are may not mean my real dad and I am NFL I'm Oteri

Sir Albert T Farah. You can stand up a little straighter with your crown on your head. Bless it is the one who crowns us with dignity and beauty. Barbara Todd and I are in America with them had no Tinley Africa laugh, bless it is the one who gives us strength when we are tired.

I gotta say I don't even know how I'm awake this morning. And I'm glad that I am and I'm happy to see you. And maybe there's something about the energy of this holiday of Shavuos and that gives us sort of like that extra bit of endurance having made it through the 49 days. Have the owner. Did anybody actually like count? Every single day? Ah, no, I Yes, absolutely. See you did salutely I mean, I know I know Felicia the owner counting for you and Martin has been super like you've used the word transformational in the past having done it a few years in a row now does it have that same power or does it lose it a little bit? How was it? Oh, it's

upgraded. Yeah, it's it's cumulative. You know, like Yeah, we went in deeper we were studying more we spent more time this year as a family reading pre reading Oh, it was it's been wondrous. It really has

I love hearing that if anybody's curious to hear more about that, I don't know Felicien Martin. Maybe you can like share in our Slack channel some of the resources some of the readings you know, the places you were looking for. Bolstering insight and wisdom because like not all of its amazing some of its fine none of it's bad time

yeah, definitely will share. Oh, it

would be lovely. All right. If folks are able to stand I invite you to stand otherwise. Otherwise you can bend and bow in your seat here as we go into bar who Yeah, taking that strength with us as we go into as we go into this prayer I know there's a festival tune for for shaft for you, but it's not coming to me so I'll just do the morning tune virus

who asked I don't I have Bora Bora.


I wrote her I don't I'm not gonna call them Yotsuya or Uber echo Shaco says shallow move away at her call my ear the arts for like every man I have around me moved to Omaha dash to hold on to my savory sheets or Hadash I'll see you on any schedule Lana Mahira Oro viral atado nine out there how many are road blasted Are you the one who creates light all light the light we can see and the light we can't see the inner light that light that was present before

the fourth day of creation when the sun and the moon were actually created light that we carry around in us bless it is the one who sparks and candles it in every moment. Bless it is the one who helps turn it into outward facing love. Who helps first help us feel the feeling of having been loved Vera that I have time to

write so as we go into this one. You want us to think of a relationship that needs a little bit more love right now in life you know somebody who's really annoying you somebody who's really like getting under your skin or like something that's really getting under your skin and the thing is it's getting under your skin because you can't ignore it if you could ignore it you'd be fine it wouldn't be getting under your skin but it is so what kind of love what kind of loving attention can you bring to that bye guys love you love you hugs a man for my family says on their way to bike camp

what kind of loving attention love for yourself and love for whatever the situation or person is that could help transform as if by alchemy. The dynamic there you know not so you become best friends but just to see what opens up if the energy moves from annoyance to something softer so we start with that right here

Rabbah after dawn Nyah No Hey no joy love it Terra Amata la bien que no Bravo.

Shabbat. Shabbat full of enormous Cain. That Dame who can Okay fine. Fine nano to Landay. No

Para chimera, Molino, tenderly bein oh they're high fiving they're hot. Well they are high skill the small may be smart. So Paul came at Cody red, Talmud Torah airing a new video back leaving on time live watch and man never they

keep messing up, got dog 190

Love in the Smith, be sure to go ahead and gather the four corners of your seat seat together if you're wearing a tireless if you're not just go ahead and think about all of the disparate fragmented places and people that need to be brought together in love. If they are going to be as we say here unified Yes. But I have unified through

love. We hold it all in one hand. Us and the inner critic Ellen OS and the people who get under our skin there is probably a healthier better way for all of us. May we bring love may we bring love may we bring love

I will cut tight and I have a clarity Emily's through a girl that I have

Shema Israel done by Hello Hey No Don't lie

there are hafta eight I don't know the whole of Africa on Africa homeo Jaffa there how you had very him Hey, Sharon ote mitzvah? Hi yo malaba Chantal I'm living with the bar to bomb. She used to have a Tessa overlaps and covered Dara shockless out of kombucha show tablet Oh Talia DESA but how you to for being an ephah who could tough time Mazouz oakbay ta movie shine I have.

Okay, so for our prayer for healing this morning. I want to share a song and it's a setting for this Shema that was debuted last night was was shared for the first time in public by a Mishkan by a Mishkan I Patricia Tyson, who is a composer of music and has been for a long time. And she spoke about I just because I'm not going to play the whole tune. And I'm not going to play her full introduction and the reason why we're using this as a healing prayer is because she talked about having a a speech condition that's like a kind of spastic speech speech condition that makes it so that she can speak mellifluously And clearly and freely it like it makes her sound like her voice is like coming kind of in fits and starts a little bit like you know, an older person who has to struggle to breathe. And she said this is aggravated by stress. And it is helped by music. And it's helped by singing and this is a person who like had these classically trained in vocal and you know in music and it's almost like a cruel joke that this is you know, the the illness that she has and yet it's You can just tell as the song went on, she begins to relax and you know the the phrases and the sounds come much more freely and everybody in the room is singing with her in this version of the Shema that they've never heard before. And it was just very beautiful and required a lot of bravery to come and bring a song that you wrote to a roomful of people. And like even if you're used to performing for hundreds of people 1000s of people which she is yes, I'm Ellen she's a hospice nurse. So anyway, I'm going to share this with you let me find the right place to queue it up to ask and you can go ahead and place the names in the chat of people you want to pray for that they find the same kind of strength and inner wisdom to know what's bringing them joy you know even with whatever is happening all right, hang on started let's see All right, we're gonna do it right here. Maybe I will just do the whole thing all right. Feel free Yes. All right. I see names populating the chat here. Alright, so this is Patricia Tyson. This is last night

lay a whole

the Lord God the Lord is me His glory is king

with all your heart with didn't saw Oh

be on your home and teach your children when you sleep, when you when you sit when you lie, when you

buy the smarts upon your

shoes, they will be between your eyes. right on your doorstep and on your own

god bless his name his kingdom here Israel. He is right here Israel here Israel Israel is right here here Israel

Israel Israel Israel Israel oh

one more time Israel Israel



all right so refresh lay my sending that healing energy to everyone who is on your list sending that sense of love sense of sadness, connectedness through time and space, through traditions, through influences through that which brings us joy to every single person on on all of our long lists of people we love who are thinking about this morning, refreshed lay man. Right. Now, we're going to turn to what is the gift of a festival, which is hollow. And so I'm going to whoosh bring us down to the bottom of,

but um,

see door. We won't. Traditionally today one would do like a quote, full hollow. I don't think we're going to do like everything in here. But the point is that we get some of the energy of joy, which is, which is what holiday is about. It's about really knowing that we have arrived at this day again, you know, we're like we made it around the Sun another time last night. We said Shashi Jana was we raised a glass of wine. It's not a given that all of us would be here. Some of us we know what it was that made it such that like, we might not have made it to this point this year. But we did. You did. And for some of us, we don't know. Probably in this room are some of us who were in within inches of some kind of catastrophic car accident. And we have no idea. We just don't even know, we don't know about the driver that looked up right before you know, from their phone right before, you know, almost hitting us or something. God forbid, but like, Do you know what I mean? God forbid, but like they, you know, it's like the Allstate commercials like chaos is everywhere. And yet, somehow, every single day, we managed to wake up and think the sweet, sweet Lord that we exist, and then on holidays, especially, we just take a moment to sing from a place of abject wonder at our existence. So that's what Hallel is. And I'm going to now move because I'm in the sun and I didn't put on sunscreen for this 8am Minion and all of a sudden I feel my neck burning. All right, hang on. Go this way. All right, so the tradition is to stand well doing hollow so I'm going to do that but you can also stay seated if you want if that's more comfortable. Um, I invite you to repeat after me that I

try I do not I know he no matter how old I am. I share kitchen new bathroom. It's my job. It's Yvonne Lee Crowe at ha ha let down Now

you repeat Hello, hate

me, sorry. Go ahead and like

mute up again. But sing from your computers.

Don't sing don't unmuted. Go to

the bottom of this song. Me key me man. job, man. Ashfords Gary gathering them yawn laoshi, DVM, even the de Valle Moshe yake Hi Obi. hate em habit names. Hallelujah. Try and count the number of times you hear hallelujah

oh yeah


We recount going forth from Egypt. safety study. Ah


hey, Ty Yehuda coach Oh should I buy a nurse Hi Daniel very mad do que leam give a give Nate's on I

met in the hole in the whole practice of hollow. Like all of these songs almost all of them have a hallelujah in them. So that that's the challenge. You've just gotten started

my left thigh high key thai noodles Hi Are Dan T sublet? Hey Hi Derek could you okay eglee him good bye up Nate so I don't fully believe nano God I hope he had gamma Allambie slim mind Oh my ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai i

share Cherie, I mean, I do think working to be less literal and more expansive and poetic and metaphorical is definitely a great goal. But also I wasn't clear so you know, don't be too hard on yourself.

I don't know if Coronavirus give that at bay distro Hey on give RF era I don't die hackaton package on your sandbox

we'll say

next time we may have low Hometeam yeah Hallelu Yeah the whole your day do ya

Oh yeah

that was at least another two or three

oh do large on Nike toe key their job oh do matter Nike toe

Jamar nice right

Nikkei two Oh

yum Runa Bay Ha Ha Dong Po do large or Nike toe

yo maroon na Yeray he lay down Nike key layoffs mean homemade car karate. Ah. Ah Nandi. The marathon

the marathon? Yeah, I

mean, how many rats Ratty. Nanny a mare, have ya? The marathon

open for us the gates of righteousness. Let us walk in with gratitude. zecha shine a light on it. This is the gateway to the Holy One. Sadie Kamya Vovo righteous people come on in and then we do this these verses twice so if it helps to just like do a repeat after me Go for it.

Oh death ah Kiani tiny that to Healy leash you o da Kenny tiny Gotti Li Li Shu min my su Hambone name is Tyler Roche P na Evan masu have bone name is Roshi Nam deny Dini blog and Manu, Dojo nine. How you Ma? Noosa Hi

yo, my

son. I don't die. nagila, lava nice Mesaba. Oh, hi Yo my size oh nine

Nagi he loves and he Smith. Whoa, this is the day that God has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

And you know what, what I'm going to do here. This is so beautiful Sara, I love what you I love what you wrote in here. You don't have you don't have like three, three to four minutes to read this out loud do before you go to your 9am

I could do that before I run I will

only because then we'll use this we'll use this beautiful intention before we before we finish lol and then at that point you go do whatever you need to do. But this is so beautiful. And I want to make sure people listening to this later get to hear it.

Thank you. So again, this is from for time such as these which goes through the entire Jewish calendar. And this is the section for new time is also taught that an era of rob a mixed multitude left midstream with the Israelites making the Exodus and mass movement for liberation. The classical commentaries imagine that the other nations became proselytes of the Israel Israel a bad when they joined the Israelites and leaving restricting it to a Jewish Exodus. But looking past that and marginalizing commentary, it's possible to imagine a movement of other enslaved peoples non Jewish partners, midwives and neighbors who joined this Jewish Freedom Movement. Perhaps they traveled with the Israelites through the split seat to the mountain, then while imagining every soul who was is or wouldn't be present at Sinai, we can visualize every non Jewish soul who was is or wouldn't be part of our Jewish community of solidarity movements. This Midrash also teaches us that our multi faith families are there to

I feel like that's so in the spirit of the Torah that Rabbi Stephen and I share every year around Chievo which is just this idea that anybody who ever was or would be part of the Jewish people and part of the family of the Jewish people stood there with us together and that therefore any Torah that we might learn or take with us for the purpose of liberating ourselves liberates everyone I looked Susannah each one of us counts. And, and so let let us let us pray these words on I don't know who she had now. This is another like call response and go ahead and unmute. This is a healing prayer for ourselves for anyone who needs a prayer and for the places in our world that are so desperately in need of peace with people laying down their weapons and laying down their intentions to hurt and kill one another and instead pick up the intention to live peacefully in this world. I know when I really think about that, it brings me to tears the amount of hard work that it would take to get to that place and how vulnerable praying for it you know kind of makes us all because of course we can pray and maybe nothing changes. But still we have to because then who do we become if we can't pray for that vision of a healed world so

and don't know who she

is who she

I don't I had sleep

I don't I had sleep

okay and you hear out so

badly Have the shame man tonight. Baris new Hemi beta janai. Above a ship janai. Berra, me best airline New Israel hug by voting in my kind of Tommy's Bay. Ella Do you certify by vote Tim I kind of Tommy's Bay. Lee. That Oh, by Sarah Ella.

Thank you.

Ellie. Oh DECA ello Hi AMI maca. Ki Jo, Ki they do lie down I ki toe Akito GI Joe Melek Mahieu Leticia whoa

All right. So and then and then there were just a few fewer of us.

Okay, I just wanted to just read a little bit of what happened at Sinai this morning. And, you know, because because that that, because that's what Jews do on Shabbos as we read the story of the revelation at Sinai. So we're going to do that. And I'm aware of the time. So I just wanted you to see like, if you go to there's this, this website called Keep cow, he And he tells you first of all shows you the things that I'm clearly interested in, which is furniture and rugs for my home, because it shows you my targeted ads. I feel like that's very vulnerable, to show somebody a screenshot that has embedded personal ads in it. Anyway. It has all of the tour readings, and have Torres for every single date on the Jewish calendar. And so if you're ever curious, you know, like what are we supposed to read today? You just go to heap And it gives you the whole thing and then if you click on you know, the if you click on the hyperlinks, then it sends you to Safari, and then you have the tour reading. And so here we are, shovel out one that is where we are Wednesday, June 12 2024, the sixth of Sivan, 5784, the charter reading is Exodus 19 through 20. And then this is like the the moft here, we're not going to read that today. And then the Haftorah is Ezekiel and I feel like if the for anybody who wants to stay past nine for a couple of minutes, we'll look at the Haftorah because it is weird and cool, and trippy. But mostly right now we're just gonna look at we're just gonna look at Exodus. All right, so here we go. We're going to 19 Is there anyone who really enjoys reading out loud in like a biblically dramatic voice.

All right, on the third new moon after the Israelites had gone forth from the land of Egypt, on that very day, they entered the wilderness of Sinai have having journeyed from refuge Diem, they entered the wilderness of Sinai and then camped in the wilderness, Israel encamped there in front of the mountain. And Moses went up to God, Hashem called the him from the mountains, saying, Thus you shall, shall you say to the house of Jacob, and declare to the children of Israel, you have seen what I have done to the Egyptians, how I bore you on eagles wings and brought you to me now that if you will obey me faithfully and keep my covenant, you shall be My treasured possession among all the peoples. Indeed, all the earth is mine, but you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Israel. Moses came and summon the elders of the people and put before them all that out, and I had commanded him. All those assembled answered as one saying, all that Otto NYAS spoken we will do. And Moses brought back the people's words to Otto not. And I said to Moses, I will come to you in a thick cloud, in order that the people may hear when I speak with you, and so trust you ever after. Then Moses reported the people's words to Otto and I, and I said to Moses, Go to the people and warn them to stay pure today and tomorrow. Let them wash their clothes. Let them be ready for the third day for on the third day. I don't I will come down in the sight of all the people on Mount Sinai. You shall set bounds for the people round about saying, beware of going up on the mountain or touching the border that whoever touches the mountain shall be put to death without being touched by being either stoned or shot the Easter person, a trespasser shall not live. When the shofar sounds along blast, they may go up the mountain, Moses came down from the mountains to the people and warn the people to stay pure, and they washed their clothes. And he said to the people, be ready for the third day the men among you should not go near a woman, beard. On the third day, as morning dawned, there was thunder and lightning, Denis cloud upon the mountain, and a very loud blast of the shofar, and all the people who are in the camp tremble.

I just I want to stop you for just a second before I go on, there is so much in here. If we had hours, we could not unpack like even everything that Noah just read. There are so many questions. I mean, I'll just say like a couple questions that come to mind for me are like, Okay, you understand if Moses can hear God, but the people can't, why Moses needs to come to the people and report on what God is saying. Why it is that Moses needs to go back to God to report on what the people respond. It's kind of interesting. Like what God God doesn't know what the people are saying Moses needs to like ferry that information. That's a little curious. Obviously, you notice that Moses is not reporting God's words accurately, like God said about a full paragraph of things. And then Moses, distilled it down to be ready for the third day, don't go near your wives, or don't go near women, which is not exactly what was said. God was like, do laundry clean up everybody like Moses, Moses, Miss reports on all of that. There's a lot of going up and coming down. And then finally, I just wanted to draw your attention to this rabbi, Steven actually did a sermon recently. riffing off of that very, that very piece of the text where it says that there was thunder and lightning. But he notes bit Beaucaire via he co lhote. Who Barak came over I came colos is like the, that's the thunder and the lightning, but they're plural, plural. It's not like one thunder in one lightning, it's plural, plural. And that's where we get the idea that the voice of God, and the revelation didn't happen in one way, it was multiple ways. Like it broke into 70 languages for all of the peoples of the world so that they might internalize this message in the way most appropriate for them. So anyway, there's so much in here, there's so much like weird and not inconsistency, but like curiosities in the text that we're just not going to get to today. But like, hold on to anything that you noticed. And we're gonna go on. All right, let's see, and everyone in the camp trembled. Okay, great. Continue, Noah. Moses,

let let them lead the people out of the camp toward God, and they took their places at the foot of the mountain. Now, Mount Sinai was all in smoke for and it had come down upon it in fire, with smoke rooms, like the smoke of the kiln, and the whole mountain trembled violently. The blare of the shofar grew louder and louder. As Moses spoke, God answered him in thunder. And I came down upon Mount Sinai on top of the mountain, and I called Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up. I don't know I said to Moses, Go down, warn the people not to break through to auto night to gaze less many of them perish. The priests also who come near out, and I must stay pure, lest I don't I break out against them. But Moses said to Otto and I, the people cannot come up to Mount Sinai for you warned us and saying and set bounds about the mountain and sanctify it. So I don't I said to him, go down and come to back together with their end. But let not the priests or the people break through to come up to Otto nine less God break out against them. And Moses went down to the people and spoke to them. And I think it's now time for a new

Thank you very much, Noah. Anybody else just you know, any observations before we go into 20 which is going to you know, immediately go right into the 10 commandments, but before we do this is all the buildup any any other observations that you had looking at this?

Just he talks a lot I mean, they the words or at least the translation is breaking through breaking through and then I don't I will break them are right here but don't let him to break through. So I don't know.

Yeah, that seems to be setting very strong boundaries between himself and his people. Yes.

Yeah, it's almost like yes, there's a lot. There's a lot of that like, Don't Don't come too close. Don't look, don't look too close. Don't come too close. Wait, you're coming too close? No, no, I really meant it Don't come too close. And if you do, and if you do, it'll be really bad, but you'll get like, stoned or shot. It's really, it's, it's an interesting first introduction to the people. I'm also thinking, I don't know how many of you know this. While I was on sabbatical, I spent a week at a retreat center in Costa Rica that specializes in plant medicine. plant medicine is a fancy way of saying psilocybin like mushrooms, Ayahuasca, other like, you know, plant based ways of kind of bypassing the ego in the mind, and going to places of Revelation. And I think people imagine that that is a pleasant experience, like pleasant fun, you know, revelatory in ways that are like, make you feel good. But I think many people who have very powerful experiences describe it in terms like this, like it was actually scary. You know, I came into, I mean, I'm not speaking for myself in this case, but I came into part, you know, into dialogue with parts of my inner world and my psyche that were actually, you know, that that scared me a little bit. And so I feel like when we're talking about Revelation, here, we're getting a vision of God, that is not all beautiful roses, sunshine and light, although it would be lovely if that is what the Master of the Universe was only, but we know that actually like the world, isn't that and so how could God only be that and we were seeing a side of ultimate reality that is also terrifying. I think that's just interesting. And then there's like this language, sort of, like, protect yourselves from coming too close to that, like, you know, you can do it people do. But you have to be really prepared for that. It can really damage your psyche to just like, come right up into that without real preparation. Great. All right, Sherry, take us home.

God spoke all these words, saying, I don't I am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage, You shall have no other gods besides me. You shall not make for yourself a sculpture, image, or any likeness of what is what is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth, you shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I, your God, I don't I am an impassioned God, visiting the guilt of parents upon the children upon the third and the fourth generations of those who reject me, but showing kindness to the 1,000th generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments. You shall not swear falsely by the name of your God, I don't I for I don't, I will not clear one who swears falsely by God's name. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath of your God, I don't I You shall not do any work you, your daughter, your son or daughter, your male female slave, or your paddle or the stranger who is within your settlements. For in the six days, I donate my Adonai made heaven and earth and see and all is that all that is in them, and then rested on the seventh day. Therefore, I don't I bless the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Honoring Your father and mother that you may long endure the land that your god out and I is assigning to you, you shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not cover your neighbor's house, you shall not covet your neighbor's wife or male or female slave, or x or x or anything that is your neighbor's. All the people witnessed the thunder and lightning, the blare of the horn and the mountain smoking. And when the people saw it, they fell back and stood at a distance. You speak to us they said to Moses, and we will obey. But let not God speak to us lest we die. Moses answered the people Be not afraid for God has come only in order to test you and in order that the fear of God may ever be with you so that you do not go astray. So the people remained at a distance why Moses approached the thick cloud where God was. I don't I said to Moses, thus shall you say to the Israelites, you yourself saw that I spoke to you from the very habits with me. Therefore you shall not make any gods of silver, nor shall you make for yourself any gods of gold make for me an altar of of Earth and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your sacrifices of well being your sheep, your oxen in every place where I cause my name to be mentioned, I will come to you and bless you. And if you make for me an altar of stones do not build it out of Houstonians, for by wielding your tool upon them, you have profane them, do not ascend my altar by steps, that your nakedness may not be exposed upon it.

And that is the weird, anti climactic ending to a very climactic chapter of Tara. Thank you, Sherry. And thank you, Noah who had to go. I will say I'm noticing. I'm reading I'm reading God, as like I'm relating to God as a parent right now. In the ways that there's like the giving of instructions, like do this. And the reason why I'm you know, saying do this is because I think it'd be good for you. But then sometimes there is justification or thread behind it, as if to say, and if you don't do this, it'll be bad for you. And I don't want that for you. So now I'm going to say some other stuff to scare you into doing the thing I want you to do. And I don't know that, you know, it's like sometimes that works. Sometimes that doesn't work. It's I'm just I'm I'm noticing this year, that that's how I'm reading god. Oh, Susan Nair love you're asking all right, so Thou shalt not murder. Here we are down here. Underneath. All right, keep the Sabbath day. Honor your father and mother, Thou shalt not murder. How do we read this in a time of war? Susanna, what's the connection between going up steps and nakedness? Yeah, I was wondering that too. I was wondering that too. And I'd like to see if the Hebrew clarified and it doesn't really, should we? Well, how about this, given the time that it is I have I have like half an hour to stick around. If anybody wants to explore those are two really good questions that if you want to, like spend a couple minutes on I'm happy to stick around. Let us close out our learning with mourners Kaddish because we always do because we want to say Khadija to him. And then for anybody who wants to go down the rabbit hole of the question of when is murder justified? Like when is killing justified not as murder but as something else? Or like how do we make sense of it? How do we make sense of war at all? As Jews who have this as our fifth commandment? And then Susanna, like looking into this weird question of going up steps and being naked? Or like is that the right translation for that at all? What is what is that? Okay, happy to do that. Okay. I'm going to go back to our to Arza here we are Khadija tome. Is there anybody who you want to honor today? Oh my goodness is today Gosh, Susanna

is today the the eight year

anniversary or memorial of the Pulse nightclub massacre? It is today.

Oh my god.

Thank you for thank you for just bringing bringing that in and may all of their memories lead to sensible gun laws and less hatred and ignorance. Can you hear redzone Nathan Pollack Great Aunt Barbara. Me all of their memories be blessings. Each guy doll lead Kadesh may Raba.

The Almighty Brasserie TV I'm lifting off wood table Hi Johan, Johan of Hiei The Hobbit district and but allow his man curry for him. Rue.

Hashmi, Rabbi Moroccanoil I'm on now mayor etha Rafi Shabak fit for our Vietnam Vietnam save it had rvf Allah via Halal shmitah kosher behold the LM in Kobe or whatever Shirota Hi, Tom anathematize Me Ron Bell Marvin rule I mean, I mean, I'm a wrap I mean, she may have had a million we'll call you sir LVM room um name of say Shalom Rama whoo Yeah, say Shalom. Molina well call Israel bow call Yoshi T Val, the rule a man and he's the acronym Libra. For everybody who's listening on podcast later, hug some math. I hope you have a revelatory day and week and I want to hear about it. If you if you get some kind of divine download even like a little minute of or a moment of some kind of clarity or insight. Send me an email. I want to hear about it. You've been listening to contact high up production of Mishkan Chicago. If you were inspired or informed by this episode, please leave us a five star rating on Apple podcasts so that others can encounter our work. And if you appreciate what Mishkan is doing, I invite you to join as a builder or make a donation on our website at Mishcon